Abby Salopek Brings Social Media Research to TCU
One of the newest additions to the John V. Roach Honors College faculty is Abby Salopek, who joins the college as assistant professor of digital studies. Salopek brings to TCU her research on social media usage and an eagerness to find home in a Texas university.

Tell us about what you’ll be teaching and what you are most looking forward to.
I will be teaching courses related to social media and digital use. This semester in particular, I am instructing the course “Life Online” where we will touch on a variety of topics, including algorithms, social media addiction and dopamine hits, toxic positivity, fake news and misinformation and political polarization, to name a few. My goal is to equip students with a deeper understanding of social media’s design and influence on society, as well as the ability to assess their own personal consumption and make informed decisions regarding their future use. I am most looking forward to educating young adults on the impact of social media, meeting new people and contributing to the TCU Horned Frog community, especially within the John V. Roach Honors College.
Tell us about your area of research and/or expertise.
My area of research and expertise is rooted in understanding how different types of social media usage are associated with different effects. In doing so, I identify potential pitfalls of social media use and the influence such use can have on mental well-being and future social media behaviors.
My primary line of research investigates perceptions that social media users hold toward toxic positivity, establishes a multi-dimensional academic application to the popular concept of toxic positivity, and examines the implications of perceptions on upward social comparisons and false self-presentation behaviors. This research suggests individuals hold both positive and negative perceptions of toxic positivity on social media.
Where were you before coming to TCU?
Before joining TCU, I was a doctoral candidate at the University of Texas at Austin within the Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations where I earned my M.A. and Ph.D. in advertising. My time at UT Austin provided me with opportunities to learn from amazing educators by assisting with courses that differ in topic, teaching styles and philosophies and experiential activities. It also afforded me the ability to offer creativity in my own course designs and to connect with students who have diverse interests and experiences. I am hopeful that my new position will present similar opportunities. I am looking forward to the strong sense of community offered by TCU and the John V. Roach Honors College.
What first drew you to academia and teaching in higher education? What have you most enjoyed and what challenges you?
Although I always had an interest in academia and teaching in higher education, partly because my parents are both in academia, I did not always know this was the avenue I wanted to take. During my undergraduate studies at Texas A&M University, I was a marketing assistant at a local real estate agency where I maintained their online brand image and digital advertising. This position launched me toward an interest in advertising and landed me in the master’s in advertising program at UT Austin. While I was not always interested in building the most creative and strategic advertising campaign, I did find myself desiring a deeper understanding of the psychology behind our social media use and its influences. This influenced me to remain at UT Austin, and within higher education, to educate young adults on the influence of social media in both their personal lives and society.
Throughout my time in academia, I have most enjoyed working with amazing mentors who have helped shape me into the researcher and professor that I am today. I also enjoy the ability to follow my interests as they shift, or as social media changes. However, this is also the most challenging aspect for me—the constant change occurring in the social media landscape can make it difficult to remain completely updated on current events and trends surrounding social media. In addition, it is almost imperative that I remain on social media platforms to be aware of latest trends and features, which can negatively contribute to my own personal usage and behaviors. It is a balancing act.
Anything else you’d like to share?
I am originally from North Texas (Sherman), before moving and spending a few years in East Texas. Since then, I have lived in several Texas towns, and I was eager to find a permanent home in a Texas university. With a passion for social media, education, connecting with students and Texas, I feel lucky to have this amazing opportunity to join the John V. Roach Honors College!